Are you looking for Custom Manufactured Skateboard Decks?

    You've come to the right place.

    Here at Empire Skateboard Manufacturing we run our custom skateboard manufacturing a little different than the others. We have the ability to do quite a few things that other manufacturers cannot offer, or will not offer. For instance, if you bought a skateboard deck from your local shop/retailer and loved either the shape, the concave, or both... You are able to send us the deck and we can match up the concave to our existing molds we have to choose from. We can also load up the deck onto our CNC CMM Machine and can run a program to touch probe and digitize your shape of the deck you desire. This way you're able to take either a concave or shape and get it reproduced for your run. These are just some of the basic services we offer to get you started.

    Basic Information

    What's the minimum order size?

    Minimums are a truly "per case" basis. Typically we run orders at 100 deck minimums. However, if you're happy with one of our in-house shapes we can do 50 minimums, at certain times. You would be surprised at how fast 50-100 will sell. We have dealt with many clients that placed an order for 50-100 decks only to sell out within their first week!

    What are my deck construction options?

    All decks are made with 100% North American Hard Rock Maple and our proprietary adhesive. There are tons of names for this wood. Some call it Canadian Hard Maple, Hard Rock Maple, Hard Maple, Acer Saccharium, but everyone knows that the best skateboard wood comes from the Great Lakes Region of North America. Take comfort in knowing that we use the same veneer as other large skateboard manufacturers. Street decks are typically 7 ply, we can do 8 ply if requested it's just not as common.

    Proprietary Adhesive?

    It seems with all passions, there is always the desire to push the envelope and test new ways of doing things. For the longest time we were ordering adhesives from National Casein Glue Manufacturer in Chicago, IL. One day in 2019 we placed an order for a couple totes of adhesives and found that they had closed their doors. The owner of Empire Skateboard MFG took it into his own hands to buy a reactor and start manufacturing small batches of adhesive. Sure, there were different formulas of 'skateboard glue' available such as the Franklin sk8 glue, but none matched the desired characteristics of what we were looking for. We were looking for a skateboard adhesive that would be an in-between resin epoxy (very stiff) and a Franklin International Multibond SK8 (too flexible). We were able to find the perfect formula using different polymers and additives to come up with an adhesive that you can feel the difference stepping on your deck. Get a sample from us and you'll really be able to tell the difference.

    Custom Printing/Manufacturing?

    We offer all printing methods. For skateboard decks you can do heat transfers or screen prints. Heat Transfers are typically cheaper than screen printing and have become the industry standard method of printing a skateboard deck. If you want to provide heat transfers from your former manufacturer we can apply them, although we can not warranty their quality of transfers obviously. All custom orders offer no implied warranty or refunds.

    Artwork Submissions

    File Formats and Printing information

    File Format: We can use Adobe Illustrator AI files, Adobe Photoshop PSD files, PDF, or any vector based format. We ask that if you are looking for a lot of detail, such as halftones or fine line artwork, to use 600DPI settings for your files. We can help with many questions you may have, just ask. Printing Information: We have two main methods of applying your custom artwork onto our decks. The first is most commonly used in 99.9 of the decks that you would find in a skateshop..
    Heat Transfers. Skateboard Heat transfers are commonly printed using a UV Printing process with a roll stock printer. This will apply a very thin coating of ink droplets to simulate color fades/ halftones. It's a very economical solution to graphic printing. The other heat transfer option is a
    Screen Printed Heat Transfer on a graphics flat bed press. This method the technician will be able to adjust ink flow by using different silkscreens and print a much thicker layer of ink that withstands quite a bit of abuse versus a 'standard' heat transfer, although costs more per transfer. We offer screen printed transfers in-house. We can also do UV Transfers as well. It's ultimately your decision on how you want your final product.
    Direct to Deck Silk Screen Printing, considered the creme de la creme of skateboard printing. A few dollars more per deck costs but the final appearance, feel and durability is unrivaled. When we do direct to deck screen printing we print the deck after a water proof sealant coat. After printing has completed its back into the paint booth to recieve its final sealant coat, followed by 2 coats of clear high gloss lacquer. Since we are one of two remaining silkscreen printers of decks we tried to set ourselves apart with the finishing. After the ink dries on a multicolor design, the final ink thickness is around 2-4 mil (depending on how many colors). We spray a 2 mil sealant coat over that, sand it buttery smooth and apply 2 coats of high build, high gloss lacquer on top of it. The total thickness of the ink, sealant and gloss coats is around 5-7mil. The deck will take all the abuse you can give it and you'll still be left with a graphic underneath! Once you get through the gloss and sealant and are working the ink, you'll notice the ink "melts" and helps lubricate the deck during slides. We offer direct to deck screen printing in both solid vector style prints and HALFTONE! Yes, you read that right.


    For smaller packages, such as samples you request or any other types of customizable materials (stickers, shirts, hoodies..etc) will all be shipped VIA UPS Ground. You may send us a label or account number if you prefer. For Freight Shipments, many clients that want more control over their shipments will use to set up freight quotes, or if you don't have experience in that field we can book freight for you as well.